Grub Americana

Modernized Butter Drop Do Cookie

A super soft, chewy, and easy to make drop butter cookies perfect for the holiday season or or anytime year round using different sprinkles or frosting colors!

Whatcha Need:

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • About 18 whole nuts

Whatcha Do:

  1. Preheat oven to 400 F; grease a cookie sheet.

  2. Cream butter and sugar.

  3. Beat in egg, then beat in flour, then add vanilla.

  4. Drop by spoonfuls on to cookie sheet, and top each cookie with a nut.

  5. Bake 10 minutes. Let cool before removing them to your plate.


  • This recipe was furnished courtesy of Mary Gage, New England Recipes. org. She writes: "The only reference to this recipe (Butter Drop Do Cookies) I know of is Amelia Simmons’ American Cookery, published in 1796, page 36, as follows: BUTTER DROP DO COOKIES - Rub one quarter pound of butter, one pound sugar, sprinkle with mace, into one pound and a quarter flour, add four eggs, one glass rose water, bake as No. 1. [Bake 15 Minutes]
  • Apparently, Simmons had several versions of this recipe, this being number three.

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