Shepherd’s Pie
Shepherd’s Pie was created as a way thrifty housewives could utilize their leftover roasts and meats to prepare hearty, tasteful meals . . .
Shepherd’s Pie was created as a way thrifty housewives could utilize their leftover roasts and meats to prepare hearty, tasteful meals . . .
Although Dublin Dr Pepper is no longer available, the use of regular Dr Pepper will provide outstanding results in the preparation of this delicious dish.
Tolbert’s Original Red Chili Recipe is by Frank X. Tolbert, from his book, *A Bowl of Red,* published by Texas A&M University Press, 1953.
This recipe should not be confused as an attempt to replicate Wolf Brand Chili.
This chili recipe was so requested that Mrs. Johnson had it printed on cards suitable for mailing.
Included are the five “ways” for ordering this chili, which is usually served over spaghetti.
This is said to be the original recipe for the chili served at the highly popular Bob Pool’s Chili Joint in Dallas, Texas.
This recipe adaptation comes from the research library of the Institute of Texan Cultures.
This vintage recipe is for one the best meatloaves you’ll ever taste.