
You might want to bust out the good china for this one. Tastes great on paper plates too.
Recipe makes 10 servings
Whatcha Need:
- 1 box Hostess® Twinkies®
- 1/2 cup strong coffee, cooled and sweetened
- 1/4 cup Kahlúa® (optional)
- 1/2 gallon coffee or coffee and chocolate ice cream
- Chocolate shavings or sprinkles
Whatcha Do:
Spray 9- x 5-inch loaf pan with cooking spray.
Slice Twinkies in half lengthwise. Put five Twinkie halves, creme side up, side by side in pan.
Mix coffee and Kahlua (optional) with pastry brush; apply liberally to cut side of Twinkies. Spoon about a 1/2-inch layer of softened ice cream over Twinkies.
Repeat until you have used enough Twinkies and ice cream to fill the loaf pan. Cover tightly with foil and freeze several hours or overnight. This can be served from the pan in slices or unmolded, garnished with the chocolate and served.