Grub Americana

Pawpaw Preserves

Rich savory preserves with hints of mango, banana, allspice and honey. Pawpaw preserves are extremely versatile and makes an excellent topping for ice cream and yogurt. Also makes a unique topping or late glaze for pork.

Recipe makes 12 to 15 pints

Whatcha Need:

  • 12 pawpaws (about 5 lbs)
  • 2 cups water
  • 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange

Whatcha Do:

Peel pawpaws. Put in kettle with water, without removing seeds. Boil until soft, then put through a sieve. Add sugar and juice of orange and lemon. Boil until thick. Grated rind of orange or lemon may be added. Put in sterilized jars and seal.


  • Recipe by Peggy Powell, in The Advocate, Mt. Sterling, KY, 09/12/91

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